In this picture is my mum. She is younger than me. 😂. Young at heart, young in mind. Still dancing, still playing, still singing even though she can’t sing. (sorry mum).
What do you want more than anything? I want the people I love to live a long, happy, healthy life. Can we do anything to make this more likely? Yes, It’s likely that we can. The current research points towards the following 12 points. A quick disclaimer, I don’t do all of these things all of the time. Life is for living and thinking too much is dangerous but it’s great to come back to them or attempt to do them 80% of the time to stay healthy, strong, and happy. Whats the answer to a happy healthy life? I believe it’s to balance fun and fulfilment.
Over the next 12 blogs I will be sharing with you 12 tips based on the current research to increase longevity. Write them on a note and stick it to your fridge as a reminder. Today point 1, ‘Do relax’. From the famous philosopher Alan Partridge.
Reversing the ageing process
DO RELAX “Do Relax I can’t stress that enough. Do relax” (Alan Partridge) We spend a lot of our time tethered to the sympathetic nervous system. High energy, high stress, busy mind. It’s difficult to let go, to switch off, to relax. But it’s important. Our bodies and minds aren’t designed to sustain high stimulation on a consistent basis. The better we are at switching off the better we can be in the moments that matter. Learn to access the parasympathetic state. Switching off isn’t being on your phone, or computer. It’s letting the mind be still, be present. Be completely and 100% in the moment. Whether that’s meditation, breathing, playing ukulele, listening to music, gardening. Learn to let go, learn to surrender to the moment. Let thoughts pass rather than attaching yourself to them.
REDUCE STRESS Stress is the worst thing for you. Don’t worry about things you can’t control focus on what you can. Get good SLEEP. Sleep is healing. A lack of sleep will age you for up to a decade. (Walker, Ted talk). If you get the opportunity slip in an afternoon power nap.
Need a great way to relax and reboot and switch off? Enter our competition for a free place on our reboot retreat in September. We will try and get Alan Partridge along as a guest speaker. If we don’t get him I’ll do a 30 minute impression of him being very philosophical indeed.
Win a week long retreat in the south of France here: